Under The Castle

Under The Castle

Made by Dani Diez, ZCorbs, VolcanoBytes

Staff note: Complete dungeons and gather more items to take with you as the quests get more difficult. This game was beautifully made in every way!

Under the Castle is a classic rogue game where you'll explore infinite dungeons vanquishing enemies, gathering Orbs of Light and rescuing enslaved villagers. Use your weapons, potions, magic scrolls and even you own hat to navigate the treacherous depths and find your way to the Evil Lord!

Dani Diez (@mrdanidiez) - Art, main game design.
ZCorbs (@zcorbs)- Programming, game design. Volcanobytes (@volcanobytes) - Music, game design.

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  • 35.0 MB.
  • First published 12/05/2023, last updated 10/15/2024.
  • We think this game is appropriate for everyone
  • This game uses the A and B buttons, and the crank but doesn't require precision or skill.
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