Loona Landa

Loona Landa

Made by Dale Thomas

Staff note: You're an alien in a spaceship attempting to collect a bunch of adorable rabbits. Don't let the cuteness fool you, though, as maintaining your health and fuel can get challenging!

Oh dear, while collecting specimens of Earth fauna, you came across a really cute animal with big floppy ears and a fluffy tail. These creatures unexpectedly bred rapidly in the hold of your small spaceship and caused you to crash, spilling them out across the land. It's up to you to collect all those strange creatures before your boss finds out and demotes you to herding swamp sluggerbugs for the rest of your life.


  • 24 fun-filled gravity-blasting levels spread across 4 worlds
  • 3 control schemes to choose from: buttons, accelerometer, and crank
  • Super cute graphics, with a bunch of super-scary creatures to avoid
  • Face-melting gravity-based action gameplay
  • Play at a leisurely pace or push yourself with time challenges

Created by Dale Thomas

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  • 2.3 MB.
  • First published 12/19/2023, last updated 01/18/2024.
  • We think this game is appropriate for everyone.
  • This game uses the A and B buttons, and optionally the crank. It requires a fair amount of precision with the crank.
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