Factory Farming
Made by Tim Martin
Staff note: This title will satisfy your cravings for a challenging strategy game! Build a farm and automate it–your space will be filled with endless conveyor belts in no time.
🏆 2023 Playdate Community Awards: Best Sim/Strategy Game Winner!
Words from the developers - "Creating Factory Farming was both a journey of exploration to the limits of the Playdate's hardware capabilities and the challenge of presenting an understandable user interface on such a tiny screen with so few buttons. The limitations of the Playdate guided me to focus heavily on the core mechanics that make factory games so enjoyable: logistics-based puzzle-solving, where each solution unlocks another layer of complexity and challenge. I was thrilled when I first got my Playdate and could watch it simulate large factories in the palm of my hand, and I'm truly honoured to be awarded the best simulation/strategy game for 2023!"
Cultivation meets Automation
Factory Farming is an Automation & Logistics game themed around intensive agricultural practices!
Build up an expansive industrial complex by growing, harvesting, refining and manufacturing a wide variety of highly-processed products, and sell it all for a massive profit!
- 15 different crops to cultivate, with differing soil & water needs.
- 6 growing biomes.
- Conveyor belt system to transport items and automate the complex.
- 6 crop harvesters and other resource extractors.
- 36 different factories in which to refine and manufacture a vast array of different end-products.
- 13 unlockable utilities. Storage chests, paths, placeable signs, and more.
- Long playtime. Expect to play for over 25 hours to unlock everything!
- In-game tutorial.
- Language support: English, Français (Traduction Automatique), Deutsch, Русский, Español (Máquina Traductora).
- Translation Support: Eugene Zakharov, Adrien Martel and Lucas Kundigraber
- Music & Sounds: Dr Tikov: 1985 (8 Bit Chiptune Mix) [CC BY 3.0], BoxCat Games: B-3 [CC BY 3.0], Eric Skiff: We're the Resistors [CC BY 3.0], RoccoW: Sweet Self Satisfaction [CC BY-SA 4.0], RoccoW: Weeklybeats 2014 #4 - All Will Be Well [CC BY-SA 4.0], Soft & Furious: Horizon Ending [CC0 1.0], Effects: sfxr.me
- Art: Kenney: 1-Bit Pack [CC0 1.0], VectorPixelStar: 1-Bit Patterns [CC BY-SA 4.0], Varkalandar: Assorted Isometric Rocks [CC BY-SA 4.0], ScratchIO: Farming Set (Pixel-Art) [CC0 1.0], josehzz: Farming crops 16x16 [CC0 1.0], withthelove: Tiny 16: Expanded Character Sprites [OGA BY 3.0], InThePixel: Fantastic Fence 16x16 [CC0 1.0], DinosoftLab: New icon from the Noun Project [CC BY 3.0], Shepardskin: House sets [CC0 1.0]
- Fonts: Chester Jenkins: Cooper Hewitt [OFL 1.1u3], Roobert [CC BY 4.0], Mediengestaltung: Messing Lettern [1001Fonts FFC], Mediengestaltung: Coventry Garden [1001Fonts FFC], Noto Sans [OFL], kaasiand.cool/tophat
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