Made by Desmu
It's like Wordle but only with vowels.
- Choice to find words having between five and ten letters.
- 72 557 856 words are available.
- First letter of the word is always given.
- Unlimited tries to guess the word.
- Average number of tries needed to find a word and number of words found are saved for each difficulty and shown on the pause screen.
- A strange voice with a French accent reads the letters of the word when you try to guess it.
- How long to beat : ten minutes, or more, or less.
This version is based on the French version of the TV game called Motus, hosted by Thierry Beccaro on France 2.
Based on the french TV game "Motus". Audio theme originally composed by Georges Augier de Moussac and badly MIDI-reproduced in-game by me.
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